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  • Ms. Nicole

Dinner Rolls

Updated: Oct 31, 2020

Fresh baked bread is truly a weakness, I would rather have plate of fresh baked bread than a piece of cake, slice of pie, or a few cookies. Bread is not hard to make, be sure to select quality ingredients. These soft pillow like rolls are a delight. Let's get started.


  • ½ cup very warm water

  • 1 egg

  • ½ cup warm milk

  • ⅓ cup unsalted butter

  • ⅓ cup granulated sugar

  • 3 ¾ cups sifted all-purpose flour

  • 1/2 t salt

  • 1 package active dry yeast


  • Pour water and milk into a stand mixer or large bowl, add the sugar and stir until it is completely dissolved.

  • Add yeast to this mixture, it will become white on top, this lets you know your yeast is active.

  • Once you see your yeast is active continue to add the butter, salt and egg and stir.

  • Slowly add the flour until combined, do not overmix.

  • Knead on a flour surface 2-4 minutes.

  • In a separate buttered or greased bowl add the dough to the bowl to rise.

  • Cover with a plastic lightly and return when double in size - ( About 50-60 minutes)

  • Once the dough has double in size, push down in the middle and separate into equal parts. ( I like to use a Muffin/Cupcake tin when I double this recipe)

  • Place the dough on a baking sheet and let rise for an additional 50 minutes

  • Bake in 350 preheated oven for 7-12 minutes.

  • While still piping hot from the oven, get a stick of butter and rub the tops of each roll gently and watch the butter melt.

  • Enjoy!

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